General RP Info

  • Age: 32

  • Nameday: 21st Sun of the 1st Umbral Moon

  • Relationship Status: In a Relationship with K’yano Vulpe

  • Sexual Orientation: Pansexual, Feminine Leaning

  • Interests: Fishing, Hunting, Fighting

  • Dislikes: Disingenuous People, Sour Food and Drinks, Uncertainty


Born in the Golmore Jungle as Vjld Dei-Ijla, she was a happy, yet conflicted child. Her and her younger sibling, Orna, were both incredibly sensitive to mist. Despite their troubles, the two were inseparable. Every waking moment of the day they were attached at the hip, whether it be fishing, playing, or simply talking about their dreams. Orna was infatuated with the idea of leaving the jungle. Vjld shared this interest, but was hesitant.As the two matured, their clan leaned heavily on Vjld's mist sensitivity. Her sensitivity manifested as a wild frenzy, in which she handily dispatched any intruders near the clan's home. As this would go on, Orna's worries for her stability continued to grow. All of this culminated mere days before Orna becoming a wood-warder."Vjld, I'm leaving. I've never fit in, have no desire to become a wood-warder, and more than anything else, I want to learn more about the mist. We've struggled for so long with our affliction. There has to be a way to control our sensitivity."Being unable to sway her sibling, and being held back by her responsibilities, Vjld would simply hug Orna, and watch them make their way to Valnain.Time went on, Orna’s absence weighing hard on her heart. She missed her best friend, but could feel deep down inside of her that they were living happily and well. As time flowed, her frenzies got worse, extending to multiple days, even weeks at a time. Many of her clanmates were injured in her frenzies, faculties blinded by an uncontrollable rage. Twenty years later, she found herself in a near month-long frenzy, barricaded in her room for the family's safety. Eventually her frenzy subsided, her first moment of clarity showing her a lifeless Orna lying on the floor, a grievous wound to their stomach, as well as a pool of blood collecting at their left wrist: hand missing.Her family stepped into her room, eyes filled with shock and dread."Orna, no! Visu, help me bring them to a bed!" Vrjn, her youngest sister pleaded, looking to the eldest sibling in the family. The two gently lifted Orna from where they lay, leaving Vjld alone in her suffering. "I killed Orna." repeated in her head, the dread of extinguishing the life of her cherished sibling leading to her shutting herself in her room.There she would be consumed by her thoughts, spiraling and succumbing to them until she heard a light knock on her door."Vjld." A familiar, nostalgic voice called through the door, before opening it. Orna walked through, heavily bandaged, gingerly limping their way toward her. "I've missed you, sis. How are you feeling?" She looked at Orna in shock and horror, curling up tighter where she lay on her bed. With a weak chuckle as they gently lowered themself on the foot of her bed, Orna continued: "We've got much to discuss, dearest Vjld. First and foremost: it's not your fault. Don't beat yourself up over this.""Orna... I am a monster. Who would do this to... to you? Had I been lucid, you would still be in one piece. I-I am so sorry..." Vjld sobs as she curls up even tighter. Orna gently rested their right hand on Vjld's leg, an assuring, gentle gesture."If you're a monster, that would make me one. Do you really want to insult me like that?" Orna lets out a strained chuckle before continuing: "Vjld, you've got an abundance of mist in your body. Vrjn confirmed it for me while I was recovering. Stay home with me, please? I think we can control these frenzies, finally. It took twenty long years to reach this point, but please, let me teach you a thing or two about mist." Vjld looked up at Orna, completely in shock. Overcome with emotions, the most she could offer was a nod, before gently hugging Orna.Orna, while bedridden, proved to be quite busy over the next few days, helping Vrjn with basic conjury since she was the one responsible for their recovery, and Vjld with thaumaturgy to get in the habit of releasing her mist. After a couple days, Vjld was drawing ice, fire, and lightning from her fingertips, grinning as Orna and Vrjn cheered her on.Eventually, Orna healed up, and bid farewell to the family, mentioning having business to tend to in Ul’dah. Getting to see her sibling after twenty long years, she couldn’t help but feel conflicted, but sent them off with a big hug. Orna had explained throughout her training that the bond she felt with them was thanks to her abundance of Mist, so as long as she felt their presence, they’ll always be together. She found peace and solace in this, urging them on their journey with a grin.Time continues to go by, but she wakes up one day in a cold sweat.“Wait, no! No no no!” She exclaimed. Something inside of her felt different, there’s something wrong with Orna. Without hesitation, she packed a single bag for travel, dashing from her family home, her fleeting footsteps breaking through the edge of the jungle, finding herself in Valnain. With a quick conversation with the foreman of the local shipyard, she found herself on a vessel heading for Limsa Lominsa. “Orna, I’m coming.”

Expanded RP Info

  • While Vjld has a handle on her Aetherpool, she is still prone to flying into a frenzy.

  • Her Aetherpool is stabilized by regular practice of Thaumaturgy, and a hesitance to eat, due to how quickly her body processes meals into Aether.

  • Before practicing Thaumaturgy, she liked to rely heavily on her fists. It's not uncommon to see her do so, even when she's got the Aether to burn.

  • She's quick to answer to any challenge issued of her. Ranging from playful banter to a request to duel, she'll gladly oblige.

  • Her Eorzean Common language is functional, but if she's amongst Viera, she's prone to slipping into Vieran out of comfort.

  • Vjld is an awful cook since she relies on her own Aether instead of using elementally aspected crystals. If a recipe is remotely complicated, she's likely to make some sort of mess.

  • When she's not training, she spends most of her time at the Ethereal Athenaeum studying about all kinds of Aether manipulation, and serving patrons during the library's public visitation hours.

  • She runs Spellbound Spirits, a speakeasy within the library alongside her girlfriend K’yano Vulpe. Her main responsibilities during operating hours are bartending and cooking, despite being a horrendous cook.


  • If your character is from the Dei-Ijla clan, they should recognize and know each other. Feel free to walk up/tell if you'd like to engage me.

  • Does your character want an eager listener about aetherial topics? While a novice, Vjld is doing everything she can to learn more about it, and will gladly chat with anyone on the subject.

  • Challenge her with anything. She's not one to get riled up, but she has a hard time declining any kind of challenge, no matter how trivial or consequential it could be.

  • Does your character enjoy reading, or want to visit a library? You can find Vjld during public visitation hours of the Ethereal Athenaeum. She's always happy to track down reference materials, and is more than happy to suggest books to patrons looking for something new to read.